Shawn Mufti
"I'm a product of the former Memphis City Schools system, and I currently go to University of Memphis now. I've grown up and lived in this city my whole life, and I love it dearly. It has made me want to make a difference in the community that has given me so much. I want our city to have a fiber-optic gigabit broadband network, because our city has so many strengths, like a phenomenal medical district and a great musical history, but I also know it could benefit our city to help the underserved communities here. I've had to meet with our elected public officials and community stakeholders. It was never my intention to jump into making sure my peers vote and to get them to watch what goes down in City Hall and on Capitol Hill, but it just kind of happened because now I realize how important these decisions are when our elected public officials go to work. Through it all, I've learned that no matter how controversial, offensive, or uncomfortable a view is that someone may hold, it is important that we take the time to listen to them for ourselves rather than digest the opinions spoon fed to us by the media or word of mouth because if we don't, we will never be able to come together and find a solution that works for everyone, and we will always be ignorant. If for some reason I get discouraged, nothing can keep me going like the ummah, reminding me to show compassion for others and never give up the good fight. Wherever life takes me next, I'm determined to make a difference."- Shawn ufti aka Big Shawn